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Main Menu Settings.
On this page you can adjust options like Language (RU/EN), turn ON / OFF Vesting Alerts, Filter Scam, Push Tweet. If you decide to delete your account, please use Delete Account option.
Push Tweet
This feature is designed for quick Twitter posts based on bot's messages. Use the "Tweet" link from message to push.
Blacklist is a list, which allows you to exclude any notifications you don't want to receive. To create a blacklist, add contracts or wallet addresses. Any associated transactions will be filtered out from your notifications.
Vesting Alerts
You will receive vesting updates about coins you added into watchlist.
Filter Scam
Based on various rules and algorithm, the Drops Bot will filter wallets transactions and provide you only verified data.
The DropsTab Team is available to assist you with any issues you may encounter. All contacts you can find by clicking Contact us.